Ubrousky měkké, bílé, ~600 ks
99 Kč
Polštářky na nehty jsou vyrobeny ze speciálního materiálu, který se netřepí a nežmolkuje. Ubrousky jsou velmi savé, netrhají se a nezanechávají žádná nežádoucí vlákna.
Nehtové tampony byly vytvořeny speciálně pro nehtový styling. Mají rovnoměrnou, měkkou strukturu a dokonale absorbují všechny druhy tekutin (cleaner, odlakovač a pod.) Na svém povrchu nezanechávají prach.
Nenahraditelné při úpravě nehtů. Umožňují snadno a rychle odmastit přírodní nehty, omýt lepivou vrstvu gelu, nebo odstranit prach vzniklý při pilování.
Na jednu modeláž stačí použít 1-2 ubrousky.
Jedno balení obsahuje ~600 ks.
Ubrousky měkké, bílé, ~600 ks
99 KčPožádejte o zpětné zavolání
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Ubrousky měkké, bílé, ~600 ks
99 KčMáte nějaký otázky?
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Mohlo by se líbit
Použití akryl gelu otevírá široké možnosti, od modelování a korekce, až po zpevňování nehtové ploténky. Akryl gel se snadno nanáší a neroztéká se. Dokonale se roztírá a umožňuje snadno vytvořit jedinečný povrch nehtu.
Charakteristika :
- Zpevňování nehtové desky
- Středně hustá textura
- dosáhuje dokonalého krytí
Barva zobrazená na PC, notebooku, nebo mobilu se může mírně lišit od skutečné barvy, z důvodu odlišnosti monitorů. Barvy se můžou zobrazovat jemnější, nebo tmavší.
56 skladem
CosmoNail gel polishes are well pigmented with a thick consistency that is also ideal for under cuticle coverage. The bottle contains a handy brush that allows you to apply the gel polish as close to the cuticle as possible.
Sandy Gel Lacquer is a special lacquer with a sandy effect. It is in itself a beautiful and extraordinary polish. Its extravagance lies in the effect of cold beauty and scattered sand grains.
Characteristics :
- Gel varnish containing noticeable particles
- The sand effect is completed with a special brush
- Beautiful sand dune effect
26 skladem
Dokonalá podkladová báze a cover v jedné lahvičce. Je určena k vyrovnání nehtové ploténky a vytvoření francouzské manikúry. Má přírodní odstíny, které vám umožní skrýt všechny vady nehtů.
Charakteristika :
- naturální tělové odstíny
- samo nivelační textura, která umožňuje dosáhnout dokonalého krytí
- lze použít pod gely, gel laky, akryl
- doporučeno pro decentní odstín nehtů, korekci nerovností
Barva zobrazená na PC, notebooku, nebo mobilu se může mírně lišit od skutečné barvy, z důvodu odlišnosti monitorů. Barvy se můžou zobrazovat jemnější, nebo tmavší.
48 skladem
CosmoNail gel polishes are well-pigmented and have a thick consistency that is also ideal when covering under the cuticle and also without run-off. The bottle contains a handy brush that allows you to apply the gel polish as close to the cuticle as possible.
Characteristics :
- Gel polish contains neon particles
- Gel polish is fluorescent in the dark
- Gel polish has a self-levelling texture that allows you to achieve perfect coverage without extra effort
You’ll be pleasantly surprised by the unusual, luminous look of your nails and the glowing finish and you’ll be the queen of every party.
27 skladem
CosmoNail gel polishes are well pigmented with a thick consistency that is also ideal for under cuticle coverage. The bottle contains a handy brush that allows you to apply the gel polish as close to the cuticle as possible.
Gel polish ice cream is a special polish with a variegated effect. It is in itself a beautiful and extraordinary polish. Its extravagance lies in the effect of cold beauty and scattered confetti.
Characteristics :
- Gel varnish containing coloured particles
- The ice cream effect is completed with a special brush
- Beautiful party confetti effect
18 skladem
CosmoNail gel polishes are well pigmented and have a thick consistency and are self-leveling. The bottle contains a handy brush that allows you to apply the gel polish as close to the cuticle as possible.
CosmoNail Classic Collection are high quality gel polishes with a wide range of colours and a wide range of uses. The Classic range will satisfy the needs of even the most demanding customers.
- Solid self-levelling, scratch-resistant layer
- Classic and natural look
- Varied palette of deep colour tones and pastel shades
3 skladem
CosmoNail gel polishes are well-pigmented and have a thick consistency that is also ideal when covering under the cuticle and also without run-off. The bottle contains a handy brush that allows you to apply the gel polish as close to the cuticle as possible.
Characteristics :
- Gel polish contains neon particles
- Gel polish is fluorescent in the dark
- Gel polish has a self-levelling texture that allows you to achieve perfect coverage without extra effort
You’ll be pleasantly surprised by the unusual, luminous look of your nails and the glowing finish and you’ll be the queen of every party.
23 skladem
CosmoNail gel polishes are well-pigmented and have a thick consistency that is also ideal when covering under the cuticle and also without run-off. The bottle contains a handy brush that allows you to apply the gel polish as close to the cuticle as possible.
Characteristics :
- Gel polish contains neon particles
- Gel polish is fluorescent in the dark
- Gel polish has a self-levelling texture that allows you to achieve perfect coverage without extra effort
You’ll be pleasantly surprised by the unusual, luminous look of your nails and the glowing finish and you’ll be the queen of every party.
28 skladem
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